On Patriots’ Day and the Boston Marathon Tragedy
If you don’t live in the Boston area, it’s probably hard to understand what the atmosphere around Patriot’s Day is like. It’s the first day of spring break, and a state holiday. There’s the marathon and a morning Red Sox game. There’s so much optimism and excitement – like an unofficial start to spring. I’m heartbroken that it will never be the same.
These words are from Boston Parent Bloggers co-Founder, Jodi Grundig. People around the world will associate the tragedy today with the Boston Marathon, but for those of us in/from the area, it’s not just Marathon Monday. It’s Patriots’ Day and it is now forever tied to today’s tragic events. Boston is a city that was forged in struggle and hardship. Patriots’ Day is intended to honor that. We hope the spirit of Boston and the fierce pride and determination of her citizens rise above once again.
As parents, children, spouses, and friends, our thoughts, prayers, and good wishes go out to those impacted by the bombings.