McDonald’s Host Boston Parent Bloggers on Bus to BlogHer

Photo Courtesy of Jodi Grundig.

McDonald’s [@McDEasternNE and @McDonalds] hosted a group of over 15 Boston Parent Bloggers bound for BlogHer in New York City on August 2nd.

On the way, the bloggers were joined by a Chef [@ChefJessRD] who discussed ways that the restaurant chain is working to offer healthier options. In addition, the bus of bloggers stopped by a roadside McDonald’s restaurant so they could sample some of the favorites under 400 calories menu including oatmeal, egg mcmuffins, strawberry lemonade, and coffee.

The BlogHer swagfest started early with aweseome McDonald’s snuggies that were handed out to all of the bloggers for the bus trip.

Thanks again to McDonald’s for hosting the Boston Parent Bloggers to BlogHer!


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