Local Bloggers Visit Linden Square in Wellesley
Boston Parent Blogger Mommy Niri posts about the Linden Square event in Wellesley.
I was at an event in the Linden Square Mall recently to a night of fun where the tenants of the mall, based in Wellseley- MA, displayed their wares. The mall was certainly on the upper scale featuring more stylish, trendy and non chain like stores. I was lucky enough to take a tour of them with a few bloggers. My favorite has got to be the Magic Beans children’s store. I had heard many a great thing about the store but this was the first time I got to check it out. I love how they have a fabulous playspace for the kids.
Also we were treated to hair cuts by the salon at the Salon Maleah. But my favorite? Check out these young girls singing in the video (continued on MommyNiri.com)
Disclosure: We were provided a stipend to participate in the mall stroll.
Thanks for the post, Jodi! I am glad you had a chance to visit Magic Beans and have some fun. Looking forward to working with you in the future… happy holidays!
Magic Beans is fabulous for many reasons. Not only are they incredible in our Boston community for young families, they are also generous with local vendors. When I started my little book business in 2005 the owner ordered copies…It felt so good to be in such a wonderful store! I highly recommend Magic Beans to all growing families.