Meet Our Members: Laura from Being Loopy

Let’s meet Laura from Being Loopy. What do you write about? Life, bargains and chocolate. Where do you live? South Shore, Massachusetts How long have you been blogging? It was two years on January 19, 2012. Do you have a favorite blog post of your own? What are two or three of your favorite blogs to read? The Coupon […]

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Meet Our Members: Sarah from In the Trenches of Mommyhood

Let’s meet Sarah from In the Trenches of Mommyhood. What do you write about? Life as a full-time working mother of 3 boys. Where do you live? Northbridge, Massachusetts How long have you been blogging? Holy crap, it has been over FOUR years now! (Started September 2007.) Do you have a favorite blog post of your own? What […]

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Meet Our Members: Emily from Random Recycling

Let’s meet Emily from Random Recycling. What do you write about? I share eco-friendly product reviews, healthy recipes and reviews of local attractions. My audience is primarily female with young children. Where do you live? Metro West, Massachusetts How long have you been blogging? I have been blogging since November 2009. Do you have a favorite blog post of your […]

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Meet Our Members: Alexandra from Mommy Glow

Let’s meet Alexandra from Mommy Glow. What do you write about? My blog Mommy Glow, highlights my journey as a young woman and mother navigating my way though life’s mazes, and trying to hold a smile. The blog talks about living, loving, learning, and choosing to parent on purpose. I cover parenting, single parenting, co-parenting, young parenting, giveaways, fashion, and […]

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