Quick Tip Friday: Change The Copyright Date On Your Blog
We’re starting a new series for 2015! Every Friday, we will put up a tip that is meant to be something that will improve your blog and be accomplished fairly quickly.
Our first tip takes care of business and celebrates the new year!
Change the copyright date on your blog.
If you are blogging on WordPress, how you change the copyright text is typically dependent on your theme. A lot of copyrights are included in the footer of a page (although they can also be found in sidebars). Here are instructions for changing the footer a few popular themes:
How to Change Footer in Thesis Theme
How to Change Footer in Genesis Theme
How to Change Footer in Headway Theme
How to Change Footer in Woothemes
There are also several plugins available for WordPress that can help manage your footer and/or sidebars. If you use Blogger, changing the text will vary by template.
And how do you get the cute little © symbol in the first place? First, if it’s already there you can just leave it and change only the year. If you want to add the symbol, use this code for the symbol: ©
Here is one suggestion from WordPress.com on text to include in your copyright notice. The post also has some other good strategies for protecting your content.
© [Full Name] and [Blog Name], [Current Year or Year Range]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [Your Name] and [Your Blog Name] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Here is another great post with suggestions on wording to use for a Copyright notice.
This is also a good time to think about other places you might be using a year that needs to be updated. Do you watermark your photos with the current year?
What other new year tasks are on your to-do list for your blog? Share yours in the comments below.
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