Meet Our Members: Momma from Momma Kiss

Let’s meet Momma from

What do you write about?
life as a married but work week single mom; my passion for breast cancer research; my 2 little boys; being daughter, sister, friend, wife and mom. I tend to be snarky and I blog anon!

Where do you live?
MetroWest, Massachusetts

How long have you been blogging?
since March, 2008.

Do you have a favorite blog post of your own?
This is one of my early blogs – Mommy Farted

Still makes me laugh.

What are two or three of your favorite blogs to read?
Funny or snot:
Things I can’t say:
The flying chalupa

What inspired you to start a blog?
I like to write, and loved to share words, just as an outlet.

How many children do you have?
2, age 4 and 6

Why did you join Boston Parent Bloggers?
Trying to see who is near me that also blogs. Not everyone “gets” it.

What are some of your favorite blogging platforms, plugins and/or tools?
Oye. Um, WordPress – I just switched. I’m not that savvy, I know how to post and edit, that’s key 🙂

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