Meet Our Members: Leah from Pearls & Oysters
Let’s meet Leah from Pearls & Oysters, Oh Baby Boston, and Foodie Family Eats.
What do you write about?
I write about food and family. Raising kids and feeding them in addition to where to go out and eat on date night or with the kids. Some travel is included especially since where to eat on the road is always a question with picky eaters.
Where do you live?
Cambridge, Massachusetts
How long have you been blogging?
For about 5 years.
Do you have a favorite blog post of your own?
Not yet, but I do really like my first post I did on
What are two or three of your favorite blogs to read?
What inspired you to start a blog?
I thought I was just keeping a journal for myself…and then it snowballed into a job freelance writing. Now I still mostly blog for myself but I enjoy the community of bloggers and am always happy when to share information with those who are interested.
How many children do you have?
2, ages 5 and 7
Why did you join Boston Parent Bloggers?
I like the community of bloggers and to find out about the different interests as bloggers, as parents, as “business” folk.
What are some of your favorite blogging platforms, plugins and/or tools?
I like wordpress.