Boston Parent Blogger Roundup: Hurricane Irene Edition
Hurricane Irene blew into New England and many of the Boston Parent Bloggers took to their blog to relay their experiences.
Cathy from As Cape Cod Turns was so inspired by the approaching Irene that she penned a poem.
T’was the day before Irene,
And all through the town,
Businesses were boarded up,
Beaches closed down.
Robin from Masshole Mommy hopped in the car to grab some photos of the damage in her area.
This tree looks like it melted, huh? It was a huge tree and it literally just folded in half.
Aaron, former newspaper reporter and blogger at The Daddy Files, spent some time on the Hurricane Irene beat.
It was really impressive how neighbors instantly realized the importance of clearing this road, because the only other way to get to Woods Hole is a road by the beach that was flooded. That means in case of an emergency, rescue vehicles might have been cut off from an entire section of town. But New Englanders are a hearty bunch and they were out there in a flash.
Alysia from Try Defying Gravity shares the impact that storm had on her own little hurricane.
By this morning, I had my own hurricane. Spinning, whirling, crashing. A wild path of destruction.
He’s my walking barometer. I’ve learned now that when he’s completely dysregulated, a storm is brewing. Inside and out.
Just a few days after Melanie from The Coupon Goddess was spotlighted here on this site for her award winning recipe for a Bush’s Beans Contest, she was hit by a car. She’s on the mend, back to blogging and posted a health update and some advice.
Check your car insurance stat. Make sure you have adequate insurance in case someone ever hits you. In a car or walking on a sidewalk, you need to have enough insurance to cover you especially if the driver at fault is underinsured. If I can teach you nothing else through my blog, I want you to make sure you have enough coverage in case you need it. You just never know. Look at me.
Drew over at went to the Affliate Summit in New York City and came home with a new project.
But we are going to try and find the owner of this camera. I did find a site that might help me out. I’m also going to post to Flickr, Facebook and to Twitter over and over and see if I can find the owner of this camera.
Brands that are looking to partner with influencers certainly know an awesome set of parent bloggers when they see it. Here’s a quick recap of members who have announced new relationships with brand programs.
- Niri from MommyNiri and Kim from Mommycosm are both Ragu “Mom’s The Word On Dinner” Ambassadors.
- Kim from Mommycosm is also a new member of the eBay Parent Panel.
- Audrey McClelland from Mom Generations is the Back-to-School Spokesperson for TJMaxx and Marshalls.
And, of course, what are parent bloggers without a few posts about parenting?
Sarah from Work. Play. Eat. Dream…realized how much her kids grew up this summer and came to grips with how this affected her.
They have to grow up, I know that. I need to accept it, if only to avoid spoiling any more perfectly good vacation time. Still, next week when school starts up again that lunchbag is going to get me. And the hair. I may be mourning the hair until next summer.
Kimberly from Red Shutters reflects about parenting through a loss that she can’t fix.
I thought I could prevent these moments by reading parenting blogs and books and doing all the things good people do to be prepared for their little ones. So, the electric sockets in our house are secured like Fort Knox, my husband and I spent too much money on the “best” stroller, and we even made our own baby food (OK, just for the first kid, but still, it counts).
But sometimes I just feel like it doesn’t matter. They are already at a disadvantage; they already have a loss I cannot fix.
To read more posts from members, visit the Boston Parent Bloggers home page for links.
Thanks for the mention! And, for being part of a great community.