Quick Tip Friday: Start Using ALT Tags

Image Reminder To Use ALT Tags on your Blog Posts.

Let’s talk ALT Tags for your images.

ALT tags are pieces of HTML that give an alternative description for an image. This is helpful for anyone that may be “listening” to the site due to a disability, and it also tells search engines about the image (and hopefully your topic).

In addition to using it for search engine optimization, Pinterest pulls in the ALT Tag for an image as the default description when someone pins a photo or graphic for your page.

What should you write? Keep it short. Five to fifteen words is ideal. Describe the photo and its topic and don’t forget to include the text if there is text in the image.

Where do you write it? ALT is an attribute in the IMG tag. In WordPress, when you use “Add Media,” there is a box called ALT Text where you can type it in.

Do you need to go back and fix all of your photos on your site? Not a bad plan, but for this quick tip, commit to diligently adding an ALT tag moving forward.

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